
"Training New Staff" (Panama - March 24, 2004)

I just wanted to remind you all to be in prayer as I fly out tomorrow morning for Panama. I will be teaching a Leadership Conference along with my dear friend and new staff member, Todd Szalkowski. Also traveling with us is Josh Yarbrough, the missions pastor from Destiny Metropolitan Church in Marietta, GA. On Saturday we will be backpacking into the jungle to scout out a few villages in the Guaymi Indian Reservation where we'll be sending teams this summer.

As always, I covet your prayers as I travel. God is listening and we can truly feel the impact when you pray and open the way for us. Remember to pray specifically for my beautiful wife, Catherine, and our children, Aidan, Tori Beth, and Caleb. As you can imagine, when I travel it is especially difficult on them.

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