
"Training Church Planters in India" (India - September 15, 2003)

Thank you for your prayers on Sunday as I preached/taught at the Gurkha (Nepali)Baptist Church. My message was to prepare them for a short-term team that will be arriving to help them plant a new church in 3 weeks. Manipur is a very interesting area - much different from most of India in that the people here are tribals - descendents of the Mongols/Tibetans. Over 100 years ago a Baptist missionary brought the gospel to these Hindu peoples and most of the Naga tribe have since become "nominal Christians"... Our purpose on this visit was to train and prepare the Naga leaders to reach out to the Meiteis , Kukis and the Nepalis(99% Hindu). Today we are meeting with leaders from each of these tribes and trying to formulate a common strategy for spreading the gospel across tribal lines. These meetings are very crucial so please pray for unity in this traditionally war-torn area.

Tomorrow I will be teaching a group of young church planters and then we'll depart in the afternoon for Calcutta. Our time here has been productive and we're looking forward to the next leg of our journey. Please continue to pray as I teach on Tuesday morning (Monday night your time)and then as we meet with leaders in Calcutta on Wednesday. Also, continue to pray for Catherine and the children that God would protect and provide for them in every way. I got to call home this morning and talk with them - what a joy to hear their voices from the other side of the world! As you can imagine, we can't wait to be reunited.

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