
"Another Incredible Day" (Peru - April 2003)

Today was another incredible day of seeing God at work. Here are the highlights . . .
This morning I was visiting with a man in his house and after sharing the gospel he came to tears. I asked him if he wanted to put his faith in Christ and he physically could not repeat the words. After a few minutes of prayer and reading Gods word to him, he did in fact pray to receive Christ. I asked him what we could do to help him and he asked if I would share the gospel with his wife and daughters. He called them into the room and I told them that they had a new man living in the house . . . a man that has been changed by the grace of God. After hearing the gospel the wife and two teenage daughters all placed their faith in Christ as well! They now have an entirely new family.

Later we went a prayed for an 80 year old woman that had a bad operation that resulted in an infection in her stomach. Her stomach was swollen the size of a volleyball. We prayed for her and shared the gospel with her and her family . . . and they all trusted Christ with their lives! I thought to myself, this is just too good to be true. They did not really mean it. They could not have. Then about 30 minutes later I was walking down the road and looked over to the next block and one of the granddaughters was standing on a street corner with the gospel tract that we had left with her and she was explaining to them what just happened to her! Praise God that He is able to do exceedingly above and beyond all we could hope or ask for.

We had 4 teams go out all around the new church plant today and saw 30 people come to Christ! What a blessing.

Then tonight the church held a victory service to thank me for helping them to realize Gods vision for them and their community. After preaching 5 more new people received Christ! And the best thing was that the pastor came running up to me and pointed out that at least a dozen or so of the people that have trusted Christ this week were in attendance and they brought family and friends! Wow! Please pray for La Iglesia del Sembrador that they would continue to reach out and follow up on the more than 100 people that accepted Christ in their community this week.

Finally, I ask you to be saying a special prayer for me on Thursday morning as I will be teaching at the Church Planting Congress where hundreds will be in attendance. Ask God to give me the ability to convey a vision for Church Planting to those pastors and lay leaders. I will be teaching on Friday and Saturday too and then will be home on Sunday.

I am not sure if I will get to write again before then, but know that I love and appreciate each of you and the crucial role that you have played in all of this.

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