
"The Adventure Continues" (Peru - April 2003)

the adventure continues . . . had another great day! our team had over 40 receive Christ doing door to door evangelism today. the church members are really on fire with this and will continue doing it long after we are gone. i preached to a group of manure harvesters when they got off work today . . . really! many prayed to receive Christ. went to an orphanage and played with 30 kids that have no family. what a heart breaker . . . i wanted to bring them all home with me. the most affectionate children because they just desire to be loved.

makes me want to cry thinking that they do not have a family to love them. i took lots of pictures. played soccer with the boys. they are age 3 to 12 and get kicked out when they are 13. had 3 accept christ in our evening cell group meeting. much more yet to come. keep praying because God is listening and you are storing up treasures in heaven by your faithful prayers and support. begin praying for the 2 conferences i will be teaching thursday, friday, and saturday. we have an opportunity to impact thousands as these pastors take Gods vision back to their churches and as they launch out to start new ones.

if you get a chance, send another encouraging note to my sweet wife catherine . . . what an awesome sacrifice she and my kids are making by giving me up for these times as i join God in His work around the world. you can write her at

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