
"Welcome to the Jungle" (Panama - May 31, 2005)

As always I appreciate your prayers and support as I head out on another adventure, this time to the jungles of Panama to work among the Guaymi (pronounced: why me) Indians. I have worked among the Guaymi for the last year and a half but always those at the entry of the reservation in villages along the roadside. We have helped establish about a half dozen churches there thus far. I'm particularly excited about this trip because I finally get a chance to go deep into the jungle, along with Guaymi pastors that we've trained, and preach the gospel in villages where there are no roads, no electricity, no running water, and worst of all, no disciples meeting together (churches). I'll be traveling with 10 others from Destiny Metropolitan Church on this extreme backpacking adventure storying the gospel to these animistic tribal Indians. At the same time we'll have 16 others from Destiny at work on a city campaign in David City. This trip will be a bit different in that I won't be able to bring you the daily updates from the field as I normally do so I ask you to please take the time to print out the attached prayer calendar and make it a point to pray for us daily and I promise to write you with the best stories from the field once I get home. Our travel dates are June 1 - 10. Thanks for your prayers - especially for my family in my absence.

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