
"Memorial Day" (May 2004)

As we celebrate our freedom as Americans this Memorial Day that was purchased with the lives of many heroes who gladly gave their lives that you and I would truly live, I ask you to consider what you are doing with the freedom that has been passed on to you. Men and women have fought and died to preserve our rights, and because of that, we have a responsibility to excercise those rights as privileges. I am grateful today as I think of the honor of those who died securing for me the opportunity to live as a free man.

I am also grateful today as I consider that the honor in those men was birthed in the character of God, who did not spare His own Son so that we could enjoy eternal freedom. And like our duty as citizens to both reflect and exercise these privileges, we also have a duty as citizens of the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That duty is to live out the freedom that He purchased for us with His own blood and to extend those privileges around the world, much like our nation is doing right now.

One of the greatest privileges that we have as freed-men in Christ is that of being able to "boldly approach the throne of grace". Throughout history the courts of kings have been visited by invitation only and if a person attempted to enter their presence without that invitation, they were subject to the penalty of death. We have an open invitation, not into an earthly hall, but into the Presence of the Lord and King of the Universe. And with that invitation our Great God and King has implored us to "Ask and you shall receive . . . seek and you will find".

As your brother and common freed-man, I ask you now to exercise that privilege by approaching the throne of God on behalf of the 42 North Americans that I will be leading on mission to Panama from June 2 (Wed.) until June 10. We are traveling as His ambassadors and if we are to succeed in extending His Kingdom into the hearts of more men and women, boys and girls, it is going to take His Power and Authority. So I am attaching this prayer calendar in hopes that you will take us before the Throne daily and learn the great privilege of Freedom that we have in Christ!

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