
"End of the Week" (Peru - April 7, 2005)

The LORD is continuing to do immeasurable more than we could hope or ask for. As of Wednesday evening we have had 300 professions of faith solely from personal evangelism and half of those have received in home follow up or come to a discipleship class at the church or home of a believer. We are partnering with 8 local churches helping to plant 6 new works. Please pray that these 6 new churches be established in the faith.

Here are a few highlights from yesterday . . .
One team was doing childrens ministry in the afternoon and they asked the children to go and bring their parents back. In a few minutes a group of mothers showed up and one of our youth girls led all those mothers to faith in Christ having gained their favor through loving the children.
One of our youth had swollen feet from all the walking and when she was at a new believers house doing discipleship that she had led to Christ the day before, the new believer asked if she could wash our students feet. The student wept as the older woman as a babe in Christ washed and rubbed her dirty swollen feet!

In another area 3 generations came to Christ together as one of our youth helped lead a grandmother, mother and granddaughter all to faith in Christ!

This and more happened as our focus was on discipleship. God provided these opportunities to continue to bring new believers into the Kingdom because our people were being faithful at following up what was already given. The WORD says that if we are faithful with what we have, we will be given more. Praise God for His provision.

Pray for stamina as were nearing the end of the week and for Gods favor on the Community Rally tomorrow. Also tonight we are showing the passion in the street at one church.
God is growing His church and were glad you are a part of that!

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