I recently started studying through the book of Romans and was instantly astounded with what I read: "Paul, a servant (literally 'slave') of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle (literally 'one sent out with a mission', elsewhere referred to as 'ambassador'), and set apart for the gospel of God" - Romans 1:1 We often think about what a privilege it is to be children of God, but when is the last time that you thought of yourself as His slave? A slave has no personal rights, but he is entitled to certain privileges at the Master's discretion. We were each bought with a price - the very blood of Jesus - so we are debtors to God. There is no amount of religious activity that could possibly diminish the infinite debt that we owe to God. He showed grace in making us slaves, and then more grace by appointing us to have the responsibilities of an ambassador. Think about it . . . although our debt was enormous, He has given us a position in Christ with authority. We are called to deliver the gospel (literally 'good news'). In Paul's day the Roman government had an official that would go into the public square and shout, "This is the gospel from Rome!" But in this verse we find Paul saying in essence, "This is the Gospel TO Rome!" What a privilege to announce the good news that there is life and hope and peace and salvation and redemption and sanctification and glorification - all IN CHRIST!
So I write to you today as a slave that has been appointed as an ambassador - this time to the people of Peru. And I ask you to join me in prayer as I and 15 others from around the U.S. go into the streets and proclaim the good news. You may not hold an airline ticket for this trip, but you have the privilege of taking part through waging spiritual warfare in the heavenlies. I remind you of John Piper's quote, "Prayer is a war-time walkie-talkie, not a domestic intercom." Join us on the platform before our Lord and Savior and by your petitions, proclaim with us that Jesus Christ is the benevolent ruler of our hearts. After all, our debt to Him made us slaves but He set us apart to herald the message of grace. And none can preach that message better than a slave that has been set free!
Find attached a prayer calendar to guide you in your daily prayer time. Feel free to copy this and pass it around to others. Also, be looking for our updates from the field to get the specific "coordinates" to help you call in the "Fire Power" in this war we're waging.
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